How did Renishaw Park do that?
automated membership payments & reconciliation
One of our fastest projects to process renewals, Renishaw Park have been fantastic club to work with and we were able to membership renewals processed and automated in under one week from committee approval to start on the Wednesday we had bills out on Monday. That was very intense few days including getting numerous systems integrated, membership systems & data sorted, all web pages and payments configured and money coming into their bank.
Now into their second year, Renishaw have been looking at further ways to improve. On reflection is was heart warming to hear they have had over 50 new members join in the last year and all processed automatically in minutes.
Too good to be true?
Quite a testimonial!
We found the initial set up costs to be very good value. They will be recouped very quickly and provide ongoing savings in administration for the Club for many years to come. The ongoing costs for subscription collections are comparable to normal banking charges and so represent outstanding value considering the enhanced services provided. It now feels like we have a custom made system designed to meet the individual needs of Renishaw Park Golf Club. From submitting the form to payment taken and membership confirmed takes just a few minutes. We have already received positive feedback from new members using the system to join.
When we first came across nooQ Golf we wondered if it was too good to be true.
We can conclude that it isn't.... everything promised has been delivered and I would highly recommend nooQ Golf.
Richard Mitchell. Treasurer. Renishaw Park Golf Club
Processing all Annual Renewals in Three weeks
previously 92% manually reconciled payments
After Using nooQ Golf
Highlights of our system include security and the capability to process significant volumes of payments. We’ve processed over £400k of payments for clubs in only a few weeks and there is the capacity to process all of your memberships in one day, should you be so lucky to have members so keen to pay quickly.
A new member was processed in 29 minutes from applying and 27 minutes of that was waiting until the committee approved the membership (clicked a button), payment accepted, welcome instructions with email attachments sent
In April we started working with Renishaw Park Golf Club to improve the shortcomings of their club systems’ financial processing.
“The club administration team were spending an unacceptable amount of time dealing with members’ subscriptions including billing, payment and reconciliation into ClubV1. It was cumbersome and time consuming. Time that could be better spent serving our members and visitors.”
Automated New Member Applications
“The management of new membership applications at our Club had also become time consuming and the delays in processing were unacceptable to us and not conducive to the level of service as a Club we wanted to provide.
nooQ golf resolved this problem and revolutionised the way we manage applications. nooQ Golf developed a fully automated system for the administration of new members at our golf club via our online application form.
The process is seamless from start to finish from initial correspondence to taking payment and sending out welcome packs and emails to the new members.
It even sets up the members record automatically in ClubV1 and allocates the subscription payments.
From submitting the form to payment taken and membership confirmed takes just a few minutes.
We have already received positive feedback from new members using the system to join.”
- All data fields validated and matched to correct membership category for age and distance
- Online waiting list with email notification to club secretary and captain for one click approval
- Email with payment instructions, including online payment via card or direct debit, either in full or via subscription is sent to the new member
- After payment is successfully captured, all data is automatically synchronised into the club systems, membership card is allocated and an email welcome pack with brochure is issued

BRS visitor data migration
We were able to migrate over 1,100 visitor data records from BRS Golf for RPGC. These records were cleaned, duplicates removed, old email addresses deleted, validated for GDPR and then over 800 records were inserted into Club v1 for marketing communications to previous visitors of the club.
Automating Updates & Renewals of Club Systems
- Extend payment options for Apple Pay, Google Pay, Debit Card, Credit Card and customised Direct Debit
- More personalized approach to billing including taking into account existing balance
- Change payment options to include deposit, direct debit option over 9 months to smooth cashflow over financial year.
- Custom branding on payment pages, including new logo, colours, bank statement reference descriptor
- Weekly pay-outs into bank account, daily reports and emails on funds received.
- Balances automatically updated in Club Systems for all member payments
Automated Bank Statement Reconciliation
- Existing members will continue to have Standing Orders. We devised a few strategies to match standing orders and bank transfers, so that they can be matched from the bank statement. Once approved, matches automatically update the membership system each month with the payment transaction.
- Monthly Reporting on successful payments, outstanding payments by membership category
- Automatic email reminders for members that have not paid, increasing in frequency if no action taken.
- Blocks on casual bookings can optionally be automatically applied to all members that have overdue accounts, and automatically released immediately upon successful payment
Automated Sage Reconcilation
An exciting new development we have now deployed, is the ability to not only reconcile the bank statement with club systems, we will now also reconcile all that with Sage accounting software also without any need to re-key, copy paste or enter all the data again. At the flick of a switch, once you have approved positions, we will send all updates into Sage as well. Pretty cool huh?
So in a few months, we have given our customers the ability to automatically pay via any method, reconcile bank statements, standing orders, bank transfers, debit/credit cards, direct debits and update all members records accurately. We update your club systems for you and update Sage as well.
If you wish to also benefit from this, please book a demo or contact us to help.