Golf Genius integration for same-day online live leaderboards & competitions entry

Completely new web site in 7 days

New structure focussed on player needs

600% increase in visitor time on site

"No hesitation in recommending nooQ Golf"
Norfolk County explore norfolk
Intelligent Golf Replacement

Social Media Automation

Rapid deployment of a very professional site

Seamless migration of 50+ page website & email accounts

"Our experience is that ongoing change requests & queries are responded to in a much quicker timescale."
Intelligent Golf Replacement

Joint Mens & Womens website

Seamless migration of 50+ pages, thousands of images, hundreds of blogs & email accounts

"Our experience is that ongoing change requests & queries are responded to in a much quicker timescale."

Bringing historic photo albums online
Club v1 Integration

Join & Renew in minutes

Saved 4 months of back office effort

Premium Service for 900+ members

Payments In-person, iPad, Bar, Office, Online
Cathkin Braes Explore Case study
How they changed from 9% to 98% automated

Book All Club Services Online

Catering, Group Bookings, New Memberships & Renewals

98% Fully Automated Processing inc Sage & Club v1 Reconciliation

Custom online Diary, Scorecard, Map & Course Guide
West Lothian Explore West Lothian
89% Memberships processed in 3 weeks

Zero back-office effort

Online donations raised £5k for Junior Foundation

Significantly improved reporting

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Make it simple for people to give you money

focus on making things modern & simpler

Join and Renew Members in Minutes

simple to join, no back office admin

  • Customise and tailor your payment options
  • Billing exclusions & custom payment arrangements
  • Create payment break for illness or individuals with extenuating circumstances
  • Using direct debit is low cost, flexible and great for reconciliation
  • Custom deposit amount & non regular number of months
  • Allow for split payments (one person that pays for multiple members)
  • Very low administration effort to manage
  • Automatic notifications for success, failures, retries & cancellations
  • Customised payment pages to match your web-site branding
  • Customised bank statement references to match your club information
  • Fully GDPR & FCA compliant

Modern Branding

Web sites that boost revenue

  • Designed to book all services in 1 or 2 clicks max
  • Fully integrated with bookings, payments & back office
  • Latest web site designs
  • Full screen custom videos
  • Modern, fresh and custom branded look for your golf club
  • Tailored course guide fly-over videos
  • Up to 11 times increase in engagement
  • ROI payback in months

Online Waiting List

make it simpler

  • Online waiting list
  • Vetting process to approve members
  • Validate applicant age, distance from club automatically
  • Applicants can only apply for categories they meet criteria for
  • Email notifications & approvals
  • Automatically calculate billing gor people that join part way thru year
  • Joining Fees included
  • Automatic insert member into Club v1
  • Automatic joining instructions and welcome pack

Live Leaderboards

golf genius integration

  • Run open competitions with Golf Genius
  • Live leaderboards on your web-site
  • Full diary integration
  • Enter events online
  • Register players on your web-site
  • Tailored web-sites for Golf Genius customers
  • County Golf Union web-site hosting and management

Group & Diary Bookings

for any golf club service online

  • Sync online diaries and availability
  • Configure rules on when available
  • Take group bookings, function bookings & outings
  • Automatic response
  • Approval process
  • Online payment, Cash or Deposits for bookings
  • SMS notifications

Link All Your Systems

membership integration

  • Synchronise New and Existing Members from your club management membership system
  • Experts in Club v1 integration
  • Automatically update member names, email addresses, phone numbers
  • Validate members ages are correct for membership category
  • Automatically add new members into club management system
  • GDPR friendly data imports
  • eMail addresses validated for accuracy, bounce rates and deliverability
  • BRS Golf visitor data & email addresses migrated to club system

View Customer Web Sites

Try out a sample golf club web-site with course guide videos, bookings, how to join & including testing payments, have a look at our these reference sites.

free, no obligation chat

arrange now

if you have any questions, ask away.

we are a friendly bunch.

Tee off here Who wouldn't want to

When we first came across nooQ Golf we wondered if it was too good to be true.

We can conclude that it isn't, everything promised has been delivered and I would highly recommend nooQ Golf.